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Pros and cons of working from home

So there is still lots of talk on the working from home subject going. I promised my colleagues and myself when writing my last blog that I would go into further details on the pros and cons of working from home. As this still seems to be the hot topic (I am having lots of discussions on this with colleagues, clients and contacts) and something I am very passionate about (not only as a champion… Pros and cons of working from home

Trainees and Apprentices

2020 The Pandemic Year, has students leaving school this year without physically having taken their GCSE and A ‘Levels exams. Some students have been working hard and preparing themselves for these important exams only to have the experience of exam taking, taken away from them. I am sure some will be relieved to not have the pressure of exam taking but there will be other students who may feel… Trainees and Apprentices


No one likes it when standards slip in any aspect of our lives. Leapfrog Recruitment we try to make sure our standards never slip. No matter how long we’ve been doing this job, we’re constantly conscious that securing a new role, career path etc can be an extremely stressful time for a person. We never take for granted the gravity of the role we play in making that possible. A negative… Standards

We are all saying flexible working, but do we just mean working from home?

So, in Guernsey we all seem to be talking about flexible working at the moment, and I have recently presented on this at the BPP 2020 Human Resource in Financial Services Forum, and have been working on policies with my clients for their businesses. In lockdown some of us were lucky enough to retain our jobs and work from home, but now we are out of lockdown and back in the office or looking at… We are all saying flexible working, but do we just mean working from home?

Recruitment 'is not all doom and gloom'

Not sure many of us saw 2020 panning out the way it has but the most important thing to remember is that there will be a recovery period. We have been very lucky that the States Of Guernsey, its teams, in front and behind the scenes, along with Dr Brink have guided us through this incredibly difficult time. The economic down side to a lockdown  is that some jobs have been lost,  some… Recruitment 'is not all doom and gloom'


First impressions are incredibly important and none more so than when you are applying for a job. Your first encounter with your future employer starts when you send them your CV and covering letter. Most people think it’s at interview stage and plough lots of time and effort into researching and preparing for this, forgetting the other crucial elements that get you to that stage in the… FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING

Information worth finding out before your interview

What is the exact nature of the Company’s business? Check out their website in advance. How many staff work there, what is the average age of staff, what is the Company culture etc? Has the Company been in the press lately, are there any controversial   announcements or decisions? Google to find out. To find out all of this information try the company web-site which will usually… Information worth finding out before your interview

How are you?

It’s a question that before March this year, most of us wouldn’t have thought twice in giving our answer to. ‘I’m fine thanks, you?’ Pretty standard answer that no one had to think about and it covered most of the things going on in our lives. Today though, I sit here typing this wondering if we’ll all be too scared to ask that simple question again in such a trivial way. If we do ask… How are you?

The journey from Lockdown to Liberty

Just prior to full lockdown, we were all practicing social/ physical distancing, shaking hands had ceased to be the formal greeting and trying to find hand wash and hand sanitiser was like…well like trying to find hand sanitiser in a pandemic.  Coming out of one I suspect will be similar but this time with more pasta and loo roll available… Getting back to some version of normal will… The journey from Lockdown to Liberty

What is the role of HR within a business and why should you outsource it?

Human Resource (HR), also known as people management, is an essential function within any business. It may be a cliché that people are an organisation’s greatest asset, but it is very true. No organisation exists without people (even if it is just one person) and it is their efforts which achieve its goals and objectives. HR is at the very heart of a business and has a role in every… What is the role of HR within a business and why should you outsource it?

Communication skills – Bring back “The ‘Phone”

I was recently meeting a young school leaver to help give advice.   They had worked for a short time in an office administration role but had not succeeded as they did not like using the telephone to actually ‘speak’ with people as “everyone our age just uses social media, no one uses the phone to speak”. Actually this is a common observation by employers, not… Communication skills – Bring back “The ‘Phone”

Why is an employee handbook so important?

An employee handbook is a document that contains a company's policies and procedures that are expected to be followed in the workplace. It is a valuable resource and reference point for all members of staff and management. It is usually delivered to an employee on or ahead of their first day of employment and complements the employment contract and terms and conditions. Employee… Why is an employee handbook so important?
