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The journey from Lockdown to Liberty

Just prior to full lockdown, we were all practicing social/ physical distancing, shaking hands had ceased to be the formal greeting and trying to find hand wash and hand sanitiser was like…well like trying to find hand sanitiser in a pandemic.  Coming out of one I suspect will be similar but this time with more pasta and loo roll available… Getting back to some version of normal will… The journey from Lockdown to Liberty

What is the role of HR within a business and why should you outsource it?

Human Resource (HR), also known as people management, is an essential function within any business. It may be a cliché that people are an organisation’s greatest asset, but it is very true. No organisation exists without people (even if it is just one person) and it is their efforts which achieve its goals and objectives. HR is at the very heart of a business and has a role in every… What is the role of HR within a business and why should you outsource it?

Communication skills – Bring back “The ‘Phone”

I was recently meeting a young school leaver to help give advice.   They had worked for a short time in an office administration role but had not succeeded as they did not like using the telephone to actually ‘speak’ with people as “everyone our age just uses social media, no one uses the phone to speak”. Actually this is a common observation by employers, not… Communication skills – Bring back “The ‘Phone”

Why is an employee handbook so important?

An employee handbook is a document that contains a company's policies and procedures that are expected to be followed in the workplace. It is a valuable resource and reference point for all members of staff and management. It is usually delivered to an employee on or ahead of their first day of employment and complements the employment contract and terms and conditions. Employee… Why is an employee handbook so important?

“If you really want to do something you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

I received an email from someone asking about their chances of having a complete change in career direction. I think like many people, they have had the time (really had the time!) during lockdown to look at the job they are doing and realised it is not really what they want, or it may be they are faced head on with the loss of their job or the prospect that redundancy might just be around the… Leapfrog Postcard

How to handle handing in your notice

So you have done some of the hard work by compiling your CV and covering letter correctly, being invited to interview and successfully being offered your ‘dream job’. But, there is still work to do, namely handing in your notice. This can be a daunting process for some people, do you do it verbally or in writing? Either way, what are you meant to say? You need to prepare for this… How to handle handing in your notice

Determination, communication and a sense of humour – surviving recruitment during lockdown

Determination, communication and a sense of humour – surviving recruitment during lockdown With the exception of a few industries which have always been conducive to remote working, I can’t think of many companies worldwide who have not had to make dramatic changes to continue their business functions where possible; and those folks who have always been working from home were suddenly faced… Determination, communication and a sense of humour – surviving recruitment during lockdown

Disrupting the Norm by Stepping out of your Comfort Zone

Last August I was introduced via a friend to a new business contact. At the time I thought I was going to bag myself a free ticket to an HR event in Jersey… little did I know where that introduction was going to end! I never actually made it to the event in Jersey, however, a month or so later, I found myself invited to be part of the Guernsey version of that same event. I initially thought I… Disrupting the Norm by Stepping out of your Comfort Zone

Traditional Office?

On social media there is a lot of discussion around the ‘traditional office’ format, remember the one you had back in February?! We’re all adapting to this current ‘new normal’. Anyone who can, is working from home and that’s getting people thinking about their traditional office space, running costs, rents etc. The situation thrust upon us shows many businesses can carry on virtually… Traditional Office?

Take a closer look...

Not sure about anyone else, but I really needed the long weekend to just ‘try’ and forget about everything going on locally and globally. We walked every day as a family, exploring the area around where we live. I ran with my 6 year old, who is now faster than me, and we spent huge amount of time together, at home remembering what is really important to us. The time over the weekend made me… Take a closer look...

A day in the life- working from home: Vicki

So many of us have had to adapt our working lives over the past few weeks and some of us are in a fortunate position where we can continue to work. Only now, we are based in our own homes. Working from home is not new to me.  Before joining leapfrog I worked remotely, sometimes in my clients offices but a large proportion of the time was from home, so I guess you could say I am a seasoned… A day in the life- working from home: Vicki

Routine, smoothies and soup

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I have a job where I can work from home. There are many others with no job, no work and no pay and I am fully conscious of that as I write this. My brain needs routine. Don’t get me wrong, I can do random, I can do spontaneity but I do need structure, unless that one rainy day comes along and I can lie in until bed time… I found myself in week one… Routine, smoothies and soup
