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Multiple jurisdiction employee screening with ease

When we heard that one of our clients were seeking solutions with internal HR processes, the team at Leapfrog was able to offer help and to take problematic administrative tasks off their hands. The client in question offers a wide variety of corporate, fund and fiduciary services and is rapidly expanding its business reach, with offices across multiple jurisdictions and steadily increasing staff… Multiple jurisdiction employee screening with ease

Ensuring best practice in every detail

What’s the point of Pre-Employment Screening? On the one extreme, there is the mitigation of risk; making sure that your new recruit does not pose any risk to your company’s finances, brand or operations. Relevant and appropriate background checks into new employees’ qualifications, career history and criminal records are essential to the financial services industry. At the other end, there… Ensuring best practice in every detail

IoD Career Inspiration Summit

Chris was involved in the Career Inspiration Summit back in December, this event was aimed at the “leaders of tomorrow” and had some really interesting insights from a range of speakers in different areas of business talking about their career journeys and experiences in business.  The IoD supports, represents and sets the standards for directors and business leaders in the… IoD Career Inspiration Summit

Pre-Employment Screening

At Leapfrog, we are involved in every step of Recruitment for our candidates and clients. In addition to matching excellent candidates with the perfect employer, we also assist clients with outsourced Human Resources, Payroll and Employment Screening Services. Employees are at the heart of any business’s success and as consultants we see, time and time again, that companies hire people not only…

A year in Review- HR and Payroll Services

As everyone will most likely say and agree, 2020 has been an unpredictable year… however, we seem to have survived  Looking back at 2020 there is, of course, one topic which sits as the forefront of everyone’s mind; the dreaded COVID-19. Without a doubt, the implications of the global pandemic have been challenging for all of us on both personal and professional levels. Whilst some… A year in Review- HR and Payroll Services


The last Friday before Christmas Day, known as Black Friday or Mad Friday, is traditionally one of the most popular days for the office Christmas party. This year it falls on Friday 18 December – just a week before the big day. This year in particular, after a bit of ‘blip’ we are all looking forward to celebrating the festive season.  Those of us based in Guernsey are extremely lucky… CHRISTMAS PARTY OR MAD FRIDAY: IS IT BEST TO PREPARE YOUR EMPLOYEES?

Guernsey Raiders Rugby Sponsorship

In addition to my role at Leapfrog, I am proud to be the Sponsorship Director for Guernsey Raiders. Which in basic terms means I sit on the executive committee of the club. My primary responsibility is to not only bring new commercial sponsors into the club, but also to manage ongoing relationships with our current sponsors, as well as ensuring the agreements we have already struck are still… Get to know, Chris

Two years on

On 1 October 2018 at 8.30 am, I walked into the Leapfrog office on my first day as their new HR and Payroll Services Manager. I sit here now at my desk taking some time out to reflect on the past couple of years. I was joining a reputable team; Leapfrog was established almost two decades ago and has been helping Guernsey businesses with recruitment ever since. Having started my HR career working… Two years on

How to support your employees during absences?

Absence management can be tricky.  To be effective you need a balance between supporting your employees to stay in or return to work and ensuring the business is not affected by their absence. Managing sickness absence is inevitable for any employer, but if you have clear and appropriate policies in place this should assist with effectively supporting your employees. Your policies should… How to support your employees during absences?


Building back better following the Covid-19 pandemic is the hot topic right now, and quite rightly so. I guess the first thing to consider is whether we really are in a post Covid-19 place yet, or whether we are still en route. As all islanders are aware, Guernsey is fortunate to have had a long period of time with no active cases (as of time of writing this) so you… HR POST COVID-19: WHY WE CANNOT WASH OUR HANDS OF THIS ONE

Flexible Working

Although it seems like it, it’s not a new topic. Flexibility in working hours has been key for many people, for a number of years. Juggling family and work life has always been a difficult balance and one that can bring with it an added level of anxiety for an employee. How do you get around school drop offs, picks, after school clubs, illness? The list is long and stressful. I work full time… Flexible Working

Should every employee go through an induction programme?

An induction programme is the process used to welcome new employees to a business and prepare them for their role.  Induction programmes can vary from a simple “tick box” approach completed on the first day to highly in-depth programmes lasting months There is no given rule as to which approach is right but there is a minimum amount of information that should be provided to all… Should every employee go through an induction programme?
