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Tips on preparing for online interviews and meetings!

With more interviews and meetings than ever currently taking place remotely via Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting and more, how should you prepare?  For any video interviews/meetings, you need to prepare exactly the same way you would for a face to face interview/meeting, after all, everyone can still see you…  It might be tempting to stay in your adult onesie and comfy slippers all day, but… Tips on preparing for online interviews and meetings!

A good time to connect!

If pondering what to do with all your days in lockdown – how about turning that time into a positive and upskilling? There are plenty of free, online courses (digital marketing anyone?) which not only look great on your CV (shows initiative and a proactive mind-set), but also help you get absorbed in a subject you actually like. This would be a benefit to your mental health (keeping… A good time to connect!

Leapfrog update 24.03.2020

In what is an ever changing situation, globally and locally Leapfrog Recruitment Consultants Guernsey are working hard to assist candidates and clients alike, both of whom are still very much in need of each other. Having followed all guidelines in terms of required hygiene levels and social distancing and have now gone a step further, ensuring staff and potential visitors to the office are safe… Leapfrog update 24.03.2020

How outsourcing can help you grow your business:

Our HR and Payroll Services Manager, Vicki Eppelein has looked at how outsourcing allows businesses to focus more on business growth and how, in the long-term, many can even save money. Business growth presents its own challenges, albeit welcome ones. One challenge is staying focused on maximising business growth, while still maintaining existing business activities such as HR, tax returns… How outsourcing can help you grow your business:


You’ll have heard it a million times already “this is like nothing we have ever seen before”. This is of course true and the impact on people’s lives from a health and economic point of view for the most part, are still to be understood.  As a local business owner and someone who has concerns over Health, both over here and in the UK where my family are, I am very positive that the… Get to know, Chris

What are we doing to help?

Temporary Business Assistance from Leapfrog We are in the business of continuing to make sure (as we have done for the past 20 years), that we are putting the right candidates in front of our clients. Business as usual means just that for Leapfrog, but as a small, local business we fully understand that in trying times it’s important that we pull together in order to help each other. These are… What are we doing to help?

Disrupt HR

We had the pleasure of helping sponsor the DisruptHR Guernsey event (March 03,2020). Disrupt HR is an event where 14 speakers are allowed 5 minutes each, with slide rotations every 15 seconds, to teach us something and quick–  reminiscent  of HR speed dating!  A week down the line and there are quite a few of the topics still being discussed around the office. All speakers were… Disrupt HR

Strictement dance update

Well it’s less than two months away from my dancing “debut” and most likely the time where I realise I should never try dancing again! In all honesty though, it’s beginning to come together and that’s something that I didn’t think I would be saying with two months to go. I actually know all the steps now, it’s just a case of making it look half decent now!  The whole process… Strictement dance update

Coronavirus: advice for employers

We appreciate that there has been a lot of information regarding COVID-19, and whilst we don't want to scare monger, this is some information we issued to our clients on 2 March 2020 and we thought we would share it with you. Whilst the risk of catching coronavirus (COVID-19) in workplaces is currently low we are offering the following advice to our clients. This advice is based on statements… Coronavirus: advice for employers

Resilience, mental health and the workplace

  For those that pay any notice to my rantings (high five to you three...), I do keep harping on about 'soft skills', but that is because I am reminded every day how important they are. Having read a few articles, I came across a piece by Matthew Kerr (June 2019) that said, “A deciding factor for 72% of CEOs surveyed cited soft skills of more importance than hard skills.” What’s the… Resilience, mental health and the workplace

How to prepare for an Interview?

Interviews are your way of impressing your experiences and personality upon an unknown entity. Being fully prepared for an interview, no matter what the position and level is paramount to your success. Below are a few of the key things we see as being very important. As standard you should know the information you have provided on your CV inside out, so that no questions asked should…

Get to know, Chris

In addition to the “day job” I am also proud to be part of the Executive Committee of the Guernsey Raiders Rugby club. My role as Sponsorship Director has responsibility for the majority of revenue that comes into the club, apart from what you drink over the bar! The club itself has many different teams, a men's first team, ladies' first team, a second team and Veterans' side as well as a… Get to know, Chris
