Tips on preparing for online interviews and meetings!

With more interviews and meetings than ever currently taking place remotely via Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting and more, how should you prepare?
For any video interviews/meetings, you need to prepare exactly the same way you would for a face to face interview/meeting, after all, everyone can still see you…
It might be tempting to stay in your adult onesie and comfy slippers all day, but would you attend a meeting like that in person? And that is a sound basis to make your decision – would I wear this in an actual interview? Would I attend an important meeting with food stains down my shirt?
Top online interview tips:
- Test, test test! Check your internet and means of connecting (Skype, laptop, phone) are working and charged – test with a friend.
- Make sure you pick a quiet spot where you are not going to get interrupted (put a sign on the door!); microphones pick up on even the slightest ambient noise.
- Check the camera is working and most important – check what can be seen on screen behind you! A pile of dirty laundry or compromising photo? Get rid!
- Turn off your phone, but have the interviewer’s telephone number to hand, just in case connections are lost. Be prepared to carry on as telephone interview should everything fail. Keep Calm – you are prepared, remember!
- Have your notes, questions and CV in front of you and only glance to remind yourself of key points/examples or questions you wanted to provide/ask.
- Dress and present yourself as you would in any interview, dress smartly - effort made!
For more tips and advice – try
or contact one of the team at Leapfrog, who will be happy to have a no obligation chat.